Estilo de aprendizaje, materiales en múltiples modalidades
sensoriales, neurociencia, neuromito
Teaching according to the learning style: the neuromyth we
must uproot
Nadia Mercedes Mendieta Villalba
Jorge Humberto Tapia Celi
Carlos Valle Navarro
María Leonor Tobar Bohorquez
Recibido: 1/12/2017, Aceptado: 1/02/2018
La neurociencia ha cambiado radicalmente la comprensión de cómo aprende el
cerebro y los procesos de aprendizaje-enseñanza en el aula. Un nuevo enfoque es el
de un maestro que facilita el aprendizaje con materiales curriculares para múltiples
modalidades sensoriales, con el propósito de una interconexión integral de los
hemisferios cerebrales del estudiante. Sin embargo, todavía existe la creencia falsa
persistente o neuromito de que el estudiante aprende mejor si la información recibida
está de acuerdo con su estilo de aprendizaje. La presente investigación demostró que
el nuevo alcance de la neurociencia es correcto. A través de la experimentación, el
desempeño académico de dos grupos en el curso de 7º nivel de Estrategias de
Manufactura, para la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial para el período 48 en la
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana en Guayaquil. La prueba de Barsch se aplicó a los
estudiantes del primer grupo de 6701 estudiantes para clasificarlos de acuerdo con
sus preferencias de aprendizaje sensorial e identificar sus estilos preferidos menos
especiales para reforzarlos. No se hizo nada para el segundo grupo de 6760
estudiantes. Además, durante las clases se aplicaron materiales para múltiples
modalidades sensoriales y técnicas grupales de enseñanza-aprendizaje para ambos
grupos. Finalmente, se ha demostrado que no es necesario detectar la modalidad
sensorial que mejor se adapta al aprendizaje del alumno, lo más importante es que
el maestro recurra a los mejores materiales que puede diseñar, planificar o preparar
para impartir el curso y para reforzar el estilo de aprendizaje menos preferido por el
Docente de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. Ecuador
Revista científica Ciencia y Tecnología Vol 18 No 18 págs. 67-80
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
Mendieta, Tapia, Valle, Tobar. Estilo de aprendizaje, materiales en
múltiples modalidades sensoriales, neurociencia, neuromismo
Palabras clave: Estilo de aprendizaje, materiales en múltiples modalidades
sensoriales, neurociencia, neuromito
Neuroscience has radically changed the understanding of how the brain learns and
the learning-teaching processes in the classroom. A new approach is that of a teacher
who facilitates the learning with curricular materials for multiple sensory modalities,
with the purpose an integral interconnection of the student’s brain hemispheres.
However, there still is the persisting false belief or neuromyth that the student learns
better if the information received is according to his learning style. The present
research proved that the new reach of neuroscience is right. Through
experimentation, the academic performance of two groups in the 7th-level course
Manufacture Strategies, for the career of Industrial Engineering for the period 48 at
the Polytechnic Salesian University in Guayaquil. The Barsch Test was applied to the
students of the first group of 6701 students to classify them according to their
sensory learning preference and to identify their least preferred styles in order to
reinforce them. Nothing was done for the second group of 6760 students.
Additionally, materials for multiple sensory modalities and teaching-learning group
techniques were applied for both groups during the classes. Finally, it has been
proven that it is not necessary to detect the sensory modality that best adapts to the
student’s learning, what is most important is that the teacher resorts to the best
materials he can design, plan or prepare to teach the course in question and to
reinforce the learning style least preferred by the student.
Keywords: Learning style, materials in multiple sensory modalities, neuroscience,
At the start of the XXI century, big discoveries were made in the field of neuroscience,
in relation to how the brain learns, this causes the teachers to be aware of how they
can stimulate changes in the brains of their students, require the knowledge of
learning styles and types of intelligence of the students so as to allow the teachers
to implement strategies, adapt modern teaching techniques and structures that
activate the access doors, favor the knowledge intake and create a range of educative
experiences. However, for the employment of these new advances it is needed to
leave behind some predetermined ideas, the so called neuromyths of traditional
education. Among the most heavily rooted neuromyths in the Ecuadorian educative
praxis is the false belief that the students learn better when the information they
receive is consistent with their preferred learning style, whether this is visual,
auditory or kinesthetic, as it is thought that the students interpret the transmitted
information in a more efficient manner. However, the latest neuroscience research
shows the opposite, the students learn best when the teacher uses integrated sensory
modalities (Guillén & Ligioiz, 2015).
The physiology of the brain
The human brain has the shape of a nut and the size of a small grapefruit, its weight,
for adults, is of approximately 3 kilograms. It is found inside the skull and covered in
protective membranes. It is located at the top of the spinal column. It is constantly
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 18, 2018 / págs. 67 - 80
working, even during sleep. Even though it represents just a 2% of the whole-body
weight, it consumes a 20% of its calories (Sousa, 2014).
Brain Hemispheres
If we look at the human brain, we can see its structure is composed by two
hemispheres, the right and left. The left brain is more structured and the right one is
more artistic and emotional. A person with a predominance of the left one will tend to
select analytical professions such as engineering, accountant or mechanic. On the
other hand, a predominance of the right hemisphere is found on the poet, actors,
clowns, painters, among others (Casafont, 2012). In most of the population, the left
brain is more dominant because most people are right-handed in their motor function;
however, the brain has other functions besides its motor ones. Table 1 synthesizes
the so-called hemispheric dominance (Casafont, 2012) and figure 1 exposes the
functions of every part of the brain.
Table 1. Hemispheric Dominance
Source: Casafont (2012)
Fuente: Elaboración propia
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Mendieta, Tapia, Valle, Tobar. Estilo de aprendizaje, materiales en
múltiples modalidades sensoriales, neurociencia, neuromismo
Figure 1. Anatomy and Functional Areas of the Brain
t=1515077656 273)
Learning modalities
The learning modalities are the sources of sensory information, that can be the ears
(auditory), eyes (visual-verbal and visual-iconic) or the hands (Kinesthetic) (Sousa,
Auditory learning: it originates when the information is listened, this is the case for
magistrate classes, movies, seminaries, reduced group work, debates or any
information heard by the individual (Sousa, 2014).
Some students with auditory preference do not take notes in class because they get
distracted and do not listen. They need to pay attention to what the teacher says,
but find themselves focused on the sounds. Sometimes, when there is silence, they
move their lips because, mentally, they elaborate sounds to capture the information,
learn in groups and benefit with the cooperative learning (Le Fever, 2003).
Verbal-visual learning: It is produced when the information is read. Among the
sources of this kind of learning are books, pamphlets, information written on the
blackboard, slideshows or any other source in which the person reads (Sousa, 2014).
When the students with visual preference listen to a class, suddenly, they look at the
empty space to get their minds to visualize what the teacher explains (Le Fever,
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 18, 2018 / págs. 67 - 80
Visual-iconic learning: It is obtained when the information is seen; however, words
do not have a relevant role in the presentation of information. This is the case of
graphics, tables, curves, pictures, representations, videos or any other source in
which the person sees the information presented under the aspect of a picture or
graphic (Sousa, 2014).
Kinesthetic learning: It is produced when the information is manipulated. Sources of
kinesthetic information comprise lab exercises, taking notes, performing a research or
any other event in which the individual is doing something with a material (Sousa,
2014). The student with a kinesthetic preference needs to move to learn, can’t be
seated or quiet when the activity assigned to them do not include the use of their
hands (Le Fever, 2003). It is worth noting that the human brain has the capacity to
change the learning style every day and even every hour, depending on the
circumstances of the student. It is common for teachers to prepare the class
considering that the students learn in a manner similar to that of themselves, but the
truth is that there is no single learning style that works for everyone. If we desire a
good learning and retention process, we require of the use of strengths of both brain
hemispheres and it is convenient that the students have tasks which include varied
elections in each learning style (Taylor & Lamoreaux, 2008). The Barsch Test is test
that allows to identify the learning style of the students (Guillen & Ligioiz, 2015). In
the aspect of engineering teaching, the Felder-Silverman model approaches three
approaches: “The aspects of the learning style that it is significant for the engineering
education, the styles of learning preferred by the students and the most favored
styles of teaching by the teachers and the strategies that will get to the students
whose learning styles are not approached by the teaching methods of normal
engineering”. Felder and Silverman define four dimensions of the learning style:
sensorial and intuitive students, visual and verbal students, active and reflexive
students, and sequential and global students (Felder & Silverman, 1988).
Multiple intelligence theory
Howard Gardner, doctor in social psychology by Harvard University, defines
intelligence as the ability to solve problems or create valuable products in one or
more cultures. Human beings are born with potentialities marked by genetics, but
these are to be developed one way or another depending on the environment,
experiences, education, etc. In 1983, Gardner revolutionized teaching thanks to his
book about multiple intelligences Frames of Mind (Gardner, 1983). Gardner proposes
that the human brain has eight different points where different intelligences could fit;
he called them multiple intelligences, and these are: linguistic or verbal intelligence,
arithmetic-logical, spatial, musical, corporal and kinesthetic, naturalist, intrapersonal
and interpersonal (Antunes, 2000). Larsen-Freeman describes it thus: “verbal
linguistic intelligence is the ability to use language in an effective manner. Arithmetic-
logical is the ability to think rationally. Spatial-visual intelligence is the ability to locate
oneself in the surroundings. Musical- rhythmical is the ability to recognize tone models
and rhythm sensibility. Kinetic-corporal is the ability to have one’s body
wellcoordinated and to be able to use
it to express oneself. Intrapersonal intelligence
is the ability to understand oneself and apply one’s own talent successfully.
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Mendieta, Tapia, Valle, Tobar. Estilo de aprendizaje, materiales en
múltiples modalidades sensoriales, neurociencia, neuromismo
Interpersonal intelligence comprises the ability to work well with others and be able to
understand their moods and feelings. Naturalist intelligence is the ability to
“understand and organize patterns in nature” (Larsen-Freeman, 2000). In 1995
Goleman associated spiritual intelligence and existentialism under the name of
“emotional intelligence, which is the ability to comprehend emotions in oneself and
others” (Goleman, 1995).
In this context, the discovery of multiple intelligences presents itself as a viable and
effective alternative for the development of the abilities of human beings, not only
cognitive but also motor, emotional, etc. This is very necessary for the processing of
information and the finding of different abilities that a person can develop and
constitute different ways of perceiving reality, as well as the manifestation of several
learning styles that combine in an individual. One of the forms with which multiple
intelligences can be stimulated is with Kagan structures which are forms of
configuring the interaction of students in relation to any content. They are applied to
encourage personality, cooperation, high-level thinking and others. With the Kagan
structures the students learn to appreciate the singularity and contributions from
other students, that is why its use creates a general change of the social character
(Kagan, 2003).
How the brain learns better?
Multisensory processes. If information enters the brain through two or more
combined sensory modalities, along with emotion, then learning will occur more easily
and retention will be better. When working with a difficult topic the brain learns better
with an abundant sensory stimulation (Taylor & Lamoreaux 2008). Predictable
sequence. Five steps are required for an optimum learning: -Preparation, when the
brain is shown the way the process is going to develop, immediately creates a
conceptual map and prepares to form possible connections. -Acquisition, the brain
receives information directly through writings, analytical plans, determined readings
and, indirectly, with visual materials and multimedia. The students must be exposed
to different options of preferred learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). -
Elaboration, in this the amendment of errors and mistakes is undertaken. The brain
analyzes the topics through explicit methods (reading, listening, discussing, filling
work papers) and implicit methods (imitations, dramatization, life experience) (Taylor
& Lamoreaux, 2008).
Memory formation with a number of connections that allow the information to be
codified in the long-term memory so it can be remembered later on. -Finally, the
functional integration in which the neurons communicate and fire together enough
times to create connections with the purpose of allowing the information to be evoked
and applied in diverse situations. Emotions help make the learning long-term just as
consecutive revisions help recovering and retention (Taylor & Lamoreaux, 2008).
Flexible environment. As every brain is unique it is necessary that the learning
environment be flexible; for instance, variations in the arrangement of chairs in a
circle, in U-shape, etc. Some students prefer reclined positions or to remain standing.
Teachers must allow the choosing of positions in which the students can sit and plan
activities that encourage them stand, move and stretch frequently. Intrinsic
motivation. It is required to help the creativity of the student, to create a high self-
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 18, 2018 / págs. 67 - 80
esteem level and reflexive thinking (Taylor & Lamoreaux, 2008).
Scientific studies
Among the relevant tests to determine the incidence of learning styles in the
academic performance of the students, the following can be cited: The research of
Krätzig and Arbuthnott in 2006 in which they helped 65 college students. In this study
it was determined the correlation between the learning style preference and
performance in the memory tests, related to sensory modalities: visual, auditory and
kinesthetic (Krätzig & Arbuthnott, 2006). Experiments with a multisensory focus were
also performed by Massa and Mayer in 2006 with college students and adults with no
college education. The results did not back up the fact that the students had to
receive differentiated teachings in the multimedia environment (Massa & Mayer,
2006). In the year 2009 a research was carried out in the Education Faculty of the
Mayor National University of Saint Mark in Peru (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San
Marcos) in Peru, to 40 students of the fifth semester in the daytime turn. Through the
analysis of the correlation different relations between multiple intelligences, learning
styles and performance levels were found (Jiménez, Díaz, Villegas, & Sánchez, 2009).
In Spain an investigation was performed in the edition course 2010-2011 of the
Master’s of High-school Teacher’s Formation offered by the Education Faculty of the
University of Cantabria, its use and benefits of the activities in the high-school English
classrooms that take into account the learning styles of the students, based on the
Theory of Multiple Intelligences with the purpose of improving the learning of this
language (Gómez Castro & Sobremazas Martínez, 2011).
Description of the course of manufacture strategies and general purpose
The course of Manufacture Strategies is imparted in the career of Industrial
Engineering. “It is based in the strategies that can be materialized in a manufacturing
system to support and/or drive the competitive positioning of a company. Specifically,
it addresses strategies related to the development and design of products, processes
and quality”. (Salesian Polytechnic University. National Academic System (W)
Analytic Plan. Industrial Engineering, Unified Proposal, 2006). Its general purpose is
to “study a series of conceptual frameworks, approaches and techniques related to
the strategic interpretation of a manufacture system to support and/or conduct the
competitive positioning of a company” (Salesian Polytechnic University. National
Academic System (W) Analytic Plan. Industrial Engineering, Unified Proposal, 2006).
The methodology was founded on a field research of the descriptive and explicative
type applied to the students of the course of Manufacture Strategies for groups 6701
and 6760 and is composed of four parts. In the first part, the students of group 6701
were evaluated and classified according to their score on the Barsch Test of Learning
Styles (see Table 2). Additionally, the most frequent learning style was identified in
Figure 3 and the style that had the best grades, Figure 4. In the second part, the
classes were given with the use of curricular materials in multiple sensory modalities,
such as graphic organizers (see Figure 2) of the references
( and (Sousa, 2014)). Additionally, work was performed
with teaching-learning group techniques of several types, chosen in relation to the
topic approached in the course units.
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Mendieta, Tapia, Valle, Tobar. Estilo de aprendizaje, materiales en
múltiples modalidades sensoriales, neurociencia, neuromismo
Figure 2. Graphic Organizers
Source: Sousa (2014)
In the third part, a study of state of opinion was performed through an interview,
which investigated the opinion of the study population of 23 students from group
6701 in the course of Manufacture Strategies in relation to the employed
methodology to determine if the process was satisfactory and reached the results
desired by the students and to verify the achievement of the general objective of the
analytical plan of the course. Finally, the academic grades of group 6701 were
compared to those of group 6760 to evidence he efficiency of the use of materials in
different sensory modalities integrated for a better brain learning. Once the
information was collected, the data was processed and, with the help of computers,
the corresponding statistic graphics.
Next in Table 2 is presented the results of the Barsch Test of Learning Styles
( Figure 3 shows the percentages of the course classified according
to their sensory learning preference. Figure 4 indicates the learning sensory
preference that had a better academic grade in group 6701.
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 18, 2018 / págs. 67 - 80
Table 2. Results of the Barsch Test of Learning Styles
Figure 3. Classification of students according to their preferred learning
Source: Nadia Mendieta
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Mendieta, Tapia, Valle, Tobar. Estilo de aprendizaje, materiales en
múltiples modalidades sensoriales, neurociencia, neuromismo
Figure 4. Average of grades vs. Learning styles
Source: Nadia Mendieta
The average grades of the group 6701 were of 88.35, for the group 6760 the average
was of 86.87. Next are six questions that make up the base instrument for the
interview applied to the study population of 23 students from group 6701. As shown
in each of the graphics, the opinions of each student are also tabulated in relation to
the categories: totally, mostly, moderately, a little and nothing.
Question No. 1
Did you understand the conceptual frameworks for the course of Manufacture
Strategies related to the strategic interpretation of the manufacture system to support
and/or conduct the competitive positioning of the company?
Figure 5. Comprehension of conceptual frameworks
Source: Nadia Mendieta
Question No. 2
Did you understand the focus and technics related to the strategic interpretation of
the manufacture system to support and/or conduct the competitive positioning of the
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 18, 2018 / págs. 67 - 80
Figure 6. Understanding focus and technics
Source: Nadia Mendieta
Question No. 3
Do you believe that the Barsch Test help to identify your preferred learning style
and the ones you have to reinforce?
Figure 7. Preferred learning style
Source: Nadia Mendieta
Question No. 4
Do you consider that the use of graphic organizers was a tool in the process of
teaching and learning that helped you understand the course of Manufacture
Strategies and reinforce your modality and visual learning?
Figure 8. Use of graphic organizers
Source: Nadia Mendieta
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Mendieta, Tapia, Valle, Tobar. Estilo de aprendizaje, materiales en
múltiples modalidades sensoriales, neurociencia, neuromismo
Question No. 5
Do you consider that the use of teaching-learning group techniques (storm of ideas,
debates and forums) were a tool that helped you understand the course Manufacture
Strategies and to reinforce your modality of learning through audition?
Figure 9. Use of teaching-learning group techniques
Source: Nadia Mendieta
Question No. 6
Do you consider that the designation of psychomotor tasks (investigation, quality
diagrams and processes diagrams) during the course helped you understand better
the course of Manufacture Strategies and to reinforce your kinesthetic learning
Figure 10. Use of psychomotor tasks
Source: Nadia Mendieta
Figure 3 shows how the 61% of the students of group 6701 have a tendency to visual
learning, so this comprises most of the students. Auditory and kinesthetic modalities
were the least frequent. The statistics indicated that the students are not inclined to
kinesthetic learning, which got a 0% of the students; this motivated the group with
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 18, 2018 / págs. 67 - 80
psychomotor works such as: research tasks, use of quality tools, diagrams, graphic
designs and calculations, in general, activities in which the students used their hands.
Additionally, work with graphic organizers was done to help the students with visual
preference, and, to incentivize them, they were made to lead as managers in
workshop groups. Auditory sensory preference got a 26% of the students, so during
the teaching-learning process, group techniques were employed such as storms of
ideas, debates, oral presentations and video-forums, to improve and reinforce said
learning style.
According to what is shown in Figure 4, it was determined that the student with a
learning preference that is visual- auditory-kinesthetic simultaneously, got the
highest average grade (92), the student in question stood out in different activities;
as she counts with three preferred sensory modalities made her learning process
more effective. Groups 6701 and 6760 obtained similar close average grades (6701
had 88.35 and 6760 had 86.87), which means that the u se of materials in multiple
sensory modalities favored the learning of the students in two courses.
Figure 5 indicates that the 87% of all students in the class completely understand
(an in great measure) the conceptual frameworks of the course. This is confirmed in
the results from Figure 6, in which is seen that the 82% of the students understood
the focus and techniques that were related to the strategic interpretation of the
manufacture system, which was achieved with the general objective of the course.
According to Figure 7, an 83% of the students consider that the Barsch Test helped
them totally and in great measure to identify their preferred learning style. In Figure
8 the 78% of the students believe that the use of graphic organizers reinforced the
visual modality of learning. In Figure 9 the 78% of the students considers that the
teaching-learning group techniques helped them comprehend the course and
reinforce their auditory modality and, in Figure 10, the 96% of the students think that
the psychomotor tasks reinforced their kinesthetic learning modality. As such, it is
recommended that the teacher observes continuity in the creation, planning and
disposition of materials in multiple sensory modalities with the purpose of achieving
the brain development of the students and to optimize the teaching and learning in
the course.
The use of materials in multiple sensory modalities favors in the students the brain
interconnection. The methodology employed was able to reinforce the learning styles
least-preferred by the students and helped in the understanding of the course and, as
such, to achieve the general objective of the course.
Considering that the best average grade in group 6701 was achieved by the student
who has visual-auditory-kinesthetic preferences simultaneously, it is concluded that
it is necessary to develop in the students the three types of learning styles, always
reinforcing the least-preferred style, which is feasible because the brain is plastic and
continuously modifies its structure in response to experiences, teaching-learning
methodologies, materials in multiple sensory modalities and appropriate training. The
teacher has a significant role in the brain development of his students which is why,
depending on the nature of the course, he must invent, plan and use materials in
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018
Mendieta, Tapia, Valle, Tobar. Estilo de aprendizaje, materiales en
múltiples modalidades sensoriales, neurociencia, neuromismo
multiple sensory modalities with the end of optimizing the teaching- learning of the
course to improve the skills of the student and the quality of education. In the field
of education, the false beliefs or neuromyths cannot be suppressed immediately.
However, the teachers can be aware of these changes and progressively replace
these opinions with new ideas based on the scientific knowledge of neuroscience.
Bibliographic references
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Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018