Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 18, 2018 / págs. 67 - 80
Visual-iconic learning: It is obtained when the information is seen; however, words
do not have a relevant role in the presentation of information. This is the case of
graphics, tables, curves, pictures, representations, videos or any other source in
which the person sees the information presented under the aspect of a picture or
graphic (Sousa, 2014).
Kinesthetic learning: It is produced when the information is manipulated. Sources of
kinesthetic information comprise lab exercises, taking notes, performing a research or
any other event in which the individual is doing something with a material (Sousa,
2014). The student with a kinesthetic preference needs to move to learn, can’t be
seated or quiet when the activity assigned to them do not include the use of their
hands (Le Fever, 2003). It is worth noting that the human brain has the capacity to
change the learning style every day and even every hour, depending on the
circumstances of the student. It is common for teachers to prepare the class
considering that the students learn in a manner similar to that of themselves, but the
truth is that there is no single learning style that works for everyone. If we desire a
good learning and retention process, we require of the use of strengths of both brain
hemispheres and it is convenient that the students have tasks which include varied
elections in each learning style (Taylor & Lamoreaux, 2008). The Barsch Test is test
that allows to identify the learning style of the students (Guillen & Ligioiz, 2015). In
the aspect of engineering teaching, the Felder-Silverman model approaches three
approaches: “The aspects of the learning style that it is significant for the engineering
education, the styles of learning preferred by the students and the most favored
styles of teaching by the teachers and the strategies that will get to the students
whose learning styles are not approached by the teaching methods of normal
engineering”. Felder and Silverman define four dimensions of the learning style:
sensorial and intuitive students, visual and verbal students, active and reflexive
students, and sequential and global students (Felder & Silverman, 1988).
Multiple intelligence theory
Howard Gardner, doctor in social psychology by Harvard University, defines
intelligence as the ability to solve problems or create valuable products in one or
more cultures. Human beings are born with potentialities marked by genetics, but
these are to be developed one way or another depending on the environment,
experiences, education, etc. In 1983, Gardner revolutionized teaching thanks to his
book about multiple intelligences Frames of Mind (Gardner, 1983). Gardner proposes
that the human brain has eight different points where different intelligences could fit;
he called them multiple intelligences, and these are: linguistic or verbal intelligence,
arithmetic-logical, spatial, musical, corporal and kinesthetic, naturalist, intrapersonal
and interpersonal (Antunes, 2000). Larsen-Freeman describes it thus: “verbal
linguistic intelligence is the ability to use language in an effective manner. Arithmetic-
logical is the ability to think rationally. Spatial-visual intelligence is the ability to locate
oneself in the surroundings. Musical- rhythmical is the ability to recognize tone models
and rhythm sensibility. Kinetic-corporal is the ability to have one’s body
wellcoordinated and to be able to use
it to express oneself. Intrapersonal intelligence
is the ability to understand oneself and apply one’s own talent successfully.
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 18, 30 de abril de 2018