Comprensión lectora apoyada en la taxonomía de Bloom:
Búsqueda del
desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en
Reading comprehension supported by Bloom's taxonomy:
Search for the
development of critical thinking in university
MSc. Jordán Alba R
Parrales Carmen S
Sarah Iza
Recibido: 1/07/2018, Aceptado: 1/09/2018
Partiendo de la meta de la educación para desarrollar los puntos de vista de los
estudiantes y teniendo en cuenta que la comprensión lectora es una parte esencial
del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo
determinar la influencia de la lectura en el desarrollo de las habilidades de
pensamiento crítico. Se evidenciaron dificultades en los resultados de aprendizaje y
procesos de los estudiantes A2 en el Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Técnica de
Ambato. Para satisfacer las necesidades de estos estudiantes, se realizó un estudio
para definir adecuadamente las variables, su marco teórico y el enfoque de
investigación adecuado de acuerdo con un paradigma crítico proactivo. En este
estudio también se incluyeron las técnicas de análisis y recolección de datos. La
metodología de investigación utilizada fue cualitativa y cuantitativa en su alcance. A
partir de esto, se diseñó una propuesta para ayudar a resolver los problemas de
comprensión lectora en el idioma inglés mediante la promoción de un proceso
controlado de lectura que permita desarrollar el pensamiento crítico. Se diseñó un
folleto de lecturas con actividades didácticas y calificadas, basadas en los niveles de
la taxonomía de Bloom para fomentar los hábitos de lectura y el entrenamiento del
pensamiento para poder discernir y evaluar la información.
Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Ecuador
Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Ecuador
Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Ecuador
Revista científica Ciencia y Tecnología Vol 18 No 20 págs. 28-40
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 20, 2018 / págs. 28 -40
Palabras clave: comprensión lectora, destrezas de lectura, estrategias de
lectura, pensamiento crítico
Starting from the goal of education to develop student's viewpoints and considering
that reading comprehension is an essential part of the teaching- learning process,
this research aimed to determine the influence of reading on the development of
critical thinking skills. Difficulties were evidenced in the learning results and processes
of A2 students in the Language Center of the Technical University of Ambato. To meet
these students' needs, a study was carried out to adequately define the variables,
their theoretical framework and the appropriate research approach according to a
proactive critical paradigm. In this study the analysis and data collection techniques
were included as well. The research methodology used was qualitative and
quantitative in its scope. From this, a proposal was designed to help solve the
problems in reading comprehension in English through the promoting of a controlled
process of reading that allows for critical thinking to be developed. A booklet of
readings was designed with didactic and graded activities based on the levels of
Bloom's taxonomy to encourage reading habits and thought training to be able to
discern and evaluate information.
Keywords: critical thinking, reading comprehension, reading skills, reading
Currently, education has taken a new approach based on the contributions of
cognitive sciences. Thus, it has stopped conceiving learning as a compendium of
declarative knowledge and given way to training for skills and competences. It is from
this conception of education as a formative training centered on three elements.
These being the development of being, doing and know-how in context, which adds to
the mastery of the higher cognitive abilities in Reading Comprehension and Critical
thinking. Reading Comprehension constitutes one of the fundamental pillars for the
acquisition of knowledge and development of competences in the formative processes
of the students.
There is a consensus that reading as a metacognitive process constitutes an act of
complex order, whose development is facilitated if the student has information and
prior knowledge of its nature, processes, purposes, techniques and strategies. The
foundation of the relevance of the study of reading comprehension and its
relationship to critical thinking in higher education contexts lies in the fact that
nowadays it is a transversal need to train students to be capable of thinking critically.
This is not only about academic contents, it includes daily life and society problems.
The promotion of experiences that stimulate the exercise of critical thinking is
fundamental at present. In a world where access to information is no longer a
problem, it is focused on an ethical assessment of the information found.
The development of this thesis has several chapters that analyzes each of the
techniques and strategies. This is of great importance because it demonstrates these
as easy strategies to study and apply. Making it easier for teachers to add these
activities into their daily lesson. This proposal includes some sample readings that
can be used by the teachers who believe that they do not have sufficient time to
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
Jordán, Parrales, Iza. Comprensión lectora apoyada en la taxonomía
de Bloom. Búsqueda del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en
prepare the material themselves. Besides outlining the techniques and strategies that
can be used to adapt their own material to accomplish these goals.
Several authors agree that reading is one of the mental abilities that needs to go hand
in hand with understanding, this allows to organize, arguments, ideas, imagination,
opinions and other aspects that complement previous experiences and concepts
already known. With this, it is defined to read as the ability to understand, develop
mental and cognitive skills in the process, make inferences conjugating previous
experiences and what is being read. Reading is also an interaction between the text
and the reader, with which the reader is expected to enjoy what he is reading. Finally,
reading is known as the gateway to knowledge, creativity, imagination and
innovation, characteristics that also form a critical thinker (Solé, 1998; Fairbairn &
Fairbairn, 2001; Guerrero 2016).
Reading is considered an important and useful activity that human beings should
practice. Reading promotes the development of knowledge, reasoning, and value
judgments, tending to significantly develop interpersonal communication skills, thus
creating the possibility of maintaining and improving reflective habits. To learn to
read, it takes time, because it is a successive and progressive process. Performing
this activity allows the mind to be exercised, while at the same time helping to
develop listening, speaking and linguistic capacities in general. Reading helps
individuals focus on what another person is trying to communicate or transmit through
a text (Fairbairn & Fairbairn, 2001; Calderon & Slakk, 2018).
Levels of lecture
Some authors argue about levels and start with the programming of the meaning of
a single word as the most elemental form of comprehension. According to nchez
(2013), mentioned as a recommendation, that readers must extract the meaning of a
phrase or a complete idea, focus on a single word makes many times you lose the
meaning of the phrase that was being analyzed. Therefore, the author mentions the
paramount importance in a complete idea, over the word that is not clearly
The success of understanding a reading also depends a lot on the previous knowledge
that the reader has, his capacity for inference and his appreciation of the text, besides
that, it is necessary to give him the focus that the reading needs, that is, if the reading
is doing for a specific study process, by general knowledge or if you want to carry out
a research project.
In the process of understanding there are different procedures that can be classified
into the following levels:
Literacy level. It is the reader’s ability to remember ideas and information that are
directly stated in the textbook material. We only focus on deciphering the words in
the text without any other aspect of deduction or analysis (Sánchez, 2013).
Inferential level. It is the reader’s ability to extract ideas and information not directly
stated in the textbook material, using prior or background knowledge to assist in such
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 20, 2018 / págs. 28 -40
understanding. This level has an intimate relationship with cognitive processes like
abstraction, analysis, and deduction amongst others, which are important for its
development (Sánchez, 2013).
Critical comprehensive. It is the reader’s ability to respond with personal judgments
and ideas about the content of the textbook material, using his or her past knowledge
and thoughts on the subject (Sánchez, 2013).
Reading Stages
One of the things to bear in mind when lesson planning is that classroom reading is
not the same as real reading. Classroom reading aims at helping students develop
the skills they need to read more effectively in a variety of ways To enable this we plan
'pre-reading', 'while-reading', and 'post-reading' stages. These stages can help us
make reading more communicative).
Pre-Reading is the stage that allows for the generation of interest in the text to be
read. During this stage there is a review of previous knowledge and prerequisites.
These are acquired within the environment of the previous studies of the students.
The pre-requisites give students the formal education needs such as: vocabulary,
notions of their reality and use of language. In addition, it is an opportunity to
motivate and generate curiosity. Moreover, teachers should encourage students to
come out with their own questions, statements, or hypotheses rather than answering
given questions which dictate a way of reading the texts (Abd, Subk, Ahmad, & Ismail,
During-Reading is the stage where the strategies that favor understanding and the
step to enjoy reading in the written text, savor the content and consequently the
easy assimilation of the text is used. It can be silent, oral, individual, or group reading.
Various techniques are used such as: flannel graphs, albums, puppets, among others.
Furthermore, teachers need to be creative enough to devise the reading tasks which
could offer students to „read, the text in many ways (Abd, Subk, Ahmad, & Ismail,
Post-Reading is the stage that is at the end of the process. It is done as support to
deepen understanding. It is the time that reading comprehension exercises and
learning of values through activities are done. This is to encourage understanding,
interpretation, creation and/or extension of the reading material. Activities are
directed to the application of content in other contexts and to maintain the interest
of the message from the beginning to the end of the process and if possible a little
further. Teachers could carry out activities which help students to think critically on
other ways in which the topic of the reading text could have been written about (Abd,
Subk, Ahmad, & Ismail, 2014).
Reading strategies
Reading strategies are conscious plans sets of steps that good readers use to make
sense of text. Reading strategy instruction helps students become purposeful, active
readers who are in control of their own reading comprehension.
These strategies have research-based evidence for improving text comprehension.
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
Jordán, Parrales, Iza. Comprensión lectora apoyada en la taxonomía
de Bloom. Búsqueda del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en
Furthermore, reading strategies are the mental actions done during reading that
improve comprehension. These strategies are there to help readers overcome
difficulties in understanding the reading. The implementation of reading strategies can
be on an individual level or in combination. Furthermore, the approaches are chosen
because they are deemed to be the most effective for students. A variety of the
reading strategies are summarized below (Kucukoglu, 2013).
Activating prior knowledge. Activating prior knowledge is a reading strategy that
occurs before the student is introduced to reading material. Pre-reading activities are
use. Some of these are journals or class discussion which enable the reader to make
connections between something they already have knowledge of and the new
knowledge from the text (Kucukoglu, 2013).
Questioning. Students develop and attempt to answer questions about the important
ideas in the text while reading, using words such as “where” or “why” to develop their
questions (Kucukoglu, 2013).
Visualization. This is where a mental image is developed of what is being described
in the text. This will help in the recall of the information of the text. A sample activity
to promote this strategy involves students examining objects placed in front of them.
Later, they look carefully at a picture that depicts a scene. Finally, the teacher removes
the objects and picture, and then asks students to visualize and describe what they
saw (Kucukoglu, 2013).
Drawing Inferences. This is when students generate information that not explicitly
stated in the text. This requires students looking for key words and demonstrating
how they can draw inferences from these words. This needs to be model by teachers
so that students learn how this process is done (Kucukoglu, 2013).
Summarizing/Retelling. Students briefly describe, orally or in writing, the main points
of what they read in their own words. This can be done with a partner or teacher. If
students are having trouble with this activity, their partner or teacher can prompt
them with questions like “What comes next?” or “What else did the passage say about
[subject]?” (Kucukoglu, 2013).
Reading comprehension
Educational demands currently make the teachers classroom practice oriented
towards following the guidelines provided by education; and in this manner the topic
of reading comprehension is established as one of the priorities in their development
by use of efficient and pertinent pedagogic strategies to counteract the dip compared
to other regions of the continent. Reading is without a doubt an implicit way of
communicating with the world, it develops intellectual, affective, communicational
and other capacities in human beings that assist them in the environment in which
they unfold throughout their lives (Hansen, 2016).
Reading comprehension refers to the ability that some individuals possess, and allows
them to understand what they are reading, meanings of words explicitly or infer
implicit ideas from the text. Understanding reading is one of the most significant
elements in learning a new language, because it is the basis to start with this process.
Reading is an important activity and is a means to expand the knowledge of language
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 20, 2018 / págs. 28 -40
students. Reading is considered a valuable skill in language learning (Schaefer &
Michalopoulou, 2015; Nemat Tabrizi & Jafari, 2015).
Sub skills of reading
Secondary reading skills play a very important role in the learning process of people,
as they help to activate existing knowledge, thus creating a mindset that new
knowledge and ideas can join. For Douglas (2001), this mentality is based on the
following skills that are classified as follows:
Reading for specific information or scanning: This sub-skill allows you to locate
information quickly because not all the text is read.
Reading for gist or Skimming: This sub skill can read the text quickly in order to get
the general idea to know what the text itself is.
Reading for detail: This sub-skill allows the reader to take longer par focus on what
you are looking for.
Critical thinking learning process
Learning is subject to change permanently, it plays an important role in human
behavior, reflects whether or not there is acquisition of skills or knowledge that are
only obtained through practice exclusively study, observation and / or instruction.
With the passage of time we have seen the need to develop critical thinking skills in
students. These skills will allow them to perform as active entities within their work
space such as classrooms and from there consolidate their critical development in
society itself. The society demands a critical and prospective being that is framed in
critical pedagogy established within the curricular actualization and strengthening of
general basic education.
According to Vaseghi, Gholami, & Barjesteh (2012), critical thinking is a directed and
self- disciplined thought that makes logical relationships that help the development
of its autonomous rationality. The main characteristic of this thought is the
intellectual autonomy that everybody has.
Learning level
Bloom's Revised Taxonomy in 2001. Key to this is the use of verbs rather than nouns
for each of the categories and a rearrangement of the sequence within the taxonomy.
They are arranged below in increasing order, from lower order to higher order.
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
Jordán, Parrales, Iza. Comprensión lectora apoyada en la taxonomía
de Bloom. Búsqueda del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en
Figure 1. Bloom´s Taxonomy (revised)
Source: Adapted from Bloom in 2001
Figure 2. Cue questions based on Blooms’ Taxonomy of critical thinking
Source: Adapted from Bloom in 2001
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 20, 2018 / págs. 28 -40
According to Fernández and Mayorga (2015), the importance of developing critical
thinking lies in the development of individual capacities in each person so that they
can propose their own criteria and to help mitigate any type of difficulty they may
face, by use of various strategies or cognitive processes, in relation to the daily events
in their environment.
In addition, it improves communication, which is done in a clearer and more efficient
way, promoting free expression in a clear, precise and cordial communication
framework, avoiding confusion and misinterpretation. The correct construction of
arguments not only gives the capacity to form valid ideas, but the ability to transmit
them in a more assertive way and for this reason it is said that thought is inseparably
joined to language, because it is an indispensable requisite for the formation of thought
and is also a medium to reflect thoughts (Becerril, Talavera, Gómez and Rojas, 2017).
Strategies for critical thinking
Critical thinking for Huang, Lindell, Jaffe, & Sullivan (2016), is described as disciplined
thinking that is clear, rational, open minded, and informed by evidence. This is often
used to describe the ability of professionals, today there is a strong feeling that this
ability is fading. Following are strategies that will help the growth of critical thinking
skills: 1) Be a continuous learner; 2) Make the right decision for the majority; 3) Listen
and consider unconventional opinions; 4) Avoid analysis paralysis; 5) Analyze
This research will be based in particular on a qualitative and quantitative approach
because it will be carried out in the scene interpreting and analyzing this problem
that is in this educational community. It is called quantitative, because it will gather
information in quantifiable data, this information is subjected to a statistical analysis
and uses indicators that evaluate how this affects Bloom's taxonomy in the
development of reading skills and critical thinking. In addition, it uses a qualitative
approach, called in this way because it applies surveys, it investigates statistical
indexes that contain a value judgment with respect to the viability of the research
This research is field because it was conducted in the place where the research
problem occurred. Research techniques are applied to gather information such as
observation, interview, survey to those involved in this problem, obtaining in this way
as a previous information that was obtained directly, truthfully, authentically, in the
place of the facts. In addition, the development of bibliographic and documentary
research includes different approaches, theories, conceptualizations and criteria of
different authors on a given subject, based on documents, or in books, magazines,
newspapers and other publications to study the two variables of purpose of this
Population and sample
The population for the present study consists of the teachers and students of the
elementary level A2 at Universidad Tecnica de Ambato in the Language Center. The
total population is formed by 10 teachers and 240 students who are struggling in this
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
Jordán, Parrales, Iza. Comprensión lectora apoyada en la taxonomía
de Bloom. Búsqueda del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en
For Sánchez and Fuentes (2016), the sample is a subset of cases or individuals of a
statistical population. Basically, it is a representative part of the population.
Considering that for the current study the population of teachers is finite or small, it
will not be considered a sample but rather as a whole population. While the students
is a larger population from which a sample can be taken using the following
𝓃 =? (Sample size)
𝓃𝒸 = 95% (confident margin) = 1,96
𝓅 = 0,5 probability of success, which is 50%
𝓆 = 0,5 probability of failure, which is 50%
𝓂ℯ = 0,05 (error margin)
𝒩 = 240 (population size)
A structured questionnaire was applied, for Hernández-Sampieri and Mendoza (2018)
the questionnaire "consists of a group of questions regarding one or more variables to
be measured. It must be congruent with the approach of the problem and hypothesis
With the aforementioned, the research is based on a bank of 10 questions made by
the researcher, addressed to 150 students, and another bank of 10 questions
addressed to 10 teachers of the elementary level A2 at the Technical University of
Ambato in the Language Center.
Below, the most relevant results of the investigation are presented.
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
Revista Científica Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 18 No 20, 2018 / págs. 28 -40
In the survey applied to students, question number 6 is the most representative and
shows that there is a low level of development of reading comprehension in A2
students of the Language Center of the Technical University of Ambato, as both
teachers and Students apply the strategies in the classroom and practice them
sporadically. Therefore, students sometimes have a limited capacity to understand a
text through the assimilation of some aspects, such as the message of the text, the
main idea or secondary ideas and the meaning of words or phrases, among other
aspects. They clearly reflect.
Question 6. When you read, do you understand the ideas before, during and at the
end of a text?
Table 1. Global results in question 6
Source: Field research
Out of 150 students the 13% of students always have a global understanding of an
English text, 86% of students that correspond 134 students sometimes understand.
And 1% of students never understand the complete text.
The data shows that around 87% of the students do not understand the ideas before,
during and at the end of a text. This is something that teachers need to work on
guided reading for getting a complete comprehension.
In this section it is evident that students have a low level of critical thinking
development, this is reflected in question 8, especially when they have to express their
points of view, when discussing or giving their conclusions about the text in which
they reflect his thought. In the same way, only occasionally students put into practice
strategies that develop critical thinking, showing the irregularity that exists between
classroom strategies and the development of critical thinking.
Question 8. Are your students able to analyze and be critical in a reading
comprehension task?
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
Jordán, Parrales, Iza. Comprensión lectora apoyada en la taxonomía
de Bloom. Búsqueda del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en
Table 2. Global results in question 8
Source: Field research
It is established that the relationship between reading comprehension and the
development of critical thinking is directly linked. Unfortunately, the processes that
students manifest and manage in the comprehension of reading have not been the
generators of the development of critical thinking because they are not applied in a
systematic way. Nor do they have the strategies that accompany and encourage
reading processes, in order to follow up and analyze the text in full dimension.
It is clearly evident that students have great difficulty in understanding the text they
read, whether at the beginning, in the development or at the end, the conception of
implicit aspects, the main or secondary ideas, the final message, the meaning of
unknown words. They are easily assimilated in the context. That is to say, students
of level A2 of the Language Center of the Technical University of Ambato have a
limited capacity to understand and be critical of the readings they perform.
In addition, it was concluded that the critical thinking that students possess is
relatively low, this is reflected when students must express a value judgment, when
expressing their points of view, or simply when discussing when they conclude a text.
Rarely do students put into practice strategies to develop critical thinking. In fact, the
teachers who were evaluated agree that only sometimes their students can analyze
and be critical in a task of reading comprehension.
Finally, a close relationship was established according to the evaluations made,
between the comprehension of the readings and the development of critical thinking
of the students. Although according to the study carried out, it is concluded that
students and teachers do not promote reading in a systematic and periodic way in the
teaching - learning process. In addition, there are no playful strategies that support
this learning process of students of A2 level of the Language Center of the Technical
University of Ambato.
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ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
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Annex 1. Student Survey
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018
Jordán, Parrales, Iza. Comprensión lectora apoyada en la taxonomía
de Bloom. Búsqueda del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018