Jordán, Parrales, Iza. Comprensión lectora apoyada en la taxonomía
de Bloom. Búsqueda del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en
prepare the material themselves. Besides outlining the techniques and strategies that
can be used to adapt their own material to accomplish these goals.
Several authors agree that reading is one of the mental abilities that needs to go hand
in hand with understanding, this allows to organize, arguments, ideas, imagination,
opinions and other aspects that complement previous experiences and concepts
already known. With this, it is defined to read as the ability to understand, develop
mental and cognitive skills in the process, make inferences conjugating previous
experiences and what is being read. Reading is also an interaction between the text
and the reader, with which the reader is expected to enjoy what he is reading. Finally,
reading is known as the gateway to knowledge, creativity, imagination and
innovation, characteristics that also form a critical thinker (Solé, 1998; Fairbairn &
Fairbairn, 2001; Guerrero 2016).
Reading is considered an important and useful activity that human beings should
practice. Reading promotes the development of knowledge, reasoning, and value
judgments, tending to significantly develop interpersonal communication skills, thus
creating the possibility of maintaining and improving reflective habits. To learn to
read, it takes time, because it is a successive and progressive process. Performing
this activity allows the mind to be exercised, while at the same time helping to
develop listening, speaking and linguistic capacities in general. Reading helps
individuals focus on what another person is trying to communicate or transmit through
a text (Fairbairn & Fairbairn, 2001; Calderon & Slakk, 2018).
Levels of lecture
Some authors argue about levels and start with the programming of the meaning of
a single word as the most elemental form of comprehension. According to Sánchez
(2013), mentioned as a recommendation, that readers must extract the meaning of a
phrase or a complete idea, focus on a single word makes many times you lose the
meaning of the phrase that was being analyzed. Therefore, the author mentions the
paramount importance in a complete idea, over the word that is not clearly
The success of understanding a reading also depends a lot on the previous knowledge
that the reader has, his capacity for inference and his appreciation of the text, besides
that, it is necessary to give him the focus that the reading needs, that is, if the reading
is doing for a specific study process, by general knowledge or if you want to carry out
a research project.
In the process of understanding there are different procedures that can be classified
into the following levels:
Literacy level. It is the reader’s ability to remember ideas and information that are
directly stated in the textbook material. We only focus on deciphering the words in
the text without any other aspect of deduction or analysis (Sánchez, 2013).
Inferential level. It is the reader’s ability to extract ideas and information not directly
stated in the textbook material, using prior or background knowledge to assist in such
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
No. 20, 31 de octubre de 2018