Hinostroza y Townsend. Variables y dimensiones aplicadas
a la percepción en la calidad del servicio de cajeros automáticos
Palabras clave: calidad de servicio, percepción, modelo, cajero automático
The use of ATMs is increasingly frequent in financial institutions and requires quality
service from their customers. Key elements are diversification and continuous service
during twenty-four hours during the seven days of the week. Technological
advancement has led to the replacement of human cashiers, allowing customers to
be served without human intervention, withdraw their money, pay for a service or
make a deposit. This could be so simple or difficult depending on the type of customer
and the complexity of the design of financial institution transactions. Perception of
the service is limited due to non-existence of an evaluation regarding the experience
received from the client before, during and after the transaction. There is no
representative of the bank to understand and address the claims of their experience
and to the extent that the client is satisfied which becomes an important question for
banks. This article analyzes the problem from the perception of the customer in the
service of the ATM proposing if the commercial banking can remain competitive
without the need of a perception analysis the main objective being to identify its
variables and dimensions in the measurement of the service from the contributions
of several models from the technological perspective. The research is a quantitative
design, not experimental, transectional with a positivist epistemology, its scope is
descriptive to detail the properties and characteristics of each variable investigated
and correlational to know the degree of association of each variable on the object of
study with the application of statistical, documentary and field techniques.
Keywords: quality of service, perception, model, ATM
La banca comercial enfocada en el crecimiento y posicionamiento del mercado
desarrollan productos de canales electrónicos con el fin de retener y captar nuevos
clientes, este crecimiento viene acompañado de equipos y/o programas
computacionales que brindan a los clientes la facilidad de poder atenderse sin
necesidad de asistir a una oficina bancaria, tal es el caso como la ampliación de las
coberturas de los cajeros automáticos o también denominados ATM
que son
utilizados como diferenciador por su diversidad de funcionalidades como
dispensadores y recicladores.
La característica principal de un cajero automático es el autoservicio de la
inmaterialidad de sus productos electrónicos que no requiere la presencia de un
representante en cada lugar que ofrece el servicio y que obliga a la banca comercial
a establecer procesos y controles al servicio percibido identificando proactivamente
eventos erróneos y anómalos presentados en la transacción electrónica que el cliente
no informa afectando y que van afectando paulatinamente la confianza y seguridad
de la institución bancaria.
ATM: Siglas de cajeros automáticos en el idioma inglés, AUTOMATIC TRANSFER MACHINE.
Revista Ciencia & Tecnología
No. 28, 31 de octubre de 2020
ISSN impreso: 1390 - 6321
ISSN online: 2661 - 6734